Thursday, July 24, 2014

Jackson County Fair

Yesterday, we spent the day at our favorite county fair!  Enjoy the photos from our day and evening at the fair.  Thanks to Ma-maw for manning my camera and capturing the memories!
Doug and I exercising Buster a little bit in hopes of calming him down before entering the ring...
Ram lamb class
Watching and waiting on the sidelines
Ewe lamb class

Reba and Rachael
Dallas and Sparkler
Dallas walked Sparkler by himself during the class, but Daddy helped hold her when standing in line.

Yearling ewe class
Little Miss was quick to grab the purple ribbons won by Pa-paw and Aunt Lisa
Although, Pa-paw wasn't willing to let her take home the big banners...
Until next time...

1 comment:

Carla said...

And just why doesn't Miss Julianne's shirt have a dorset on it??