Monday, September 27, 2010


Look who has moved into a big boy bed!
This morning Dallas and I put together his bed.  Luckily, it was a very simple process.  The trickiest part was that silly bed rail that I totally insisted he have.  Oh, well.  Dallas took his nap in the bed without getting out of bed once.  He also went right to sleep this evening without a fight.  There...I just jinxed it.

Some might wonder why I switched him with Doug being gone, getting ready to move, etc.  Here is my reasoning.  I hope that this will make the transition to a new home easier having already gotten used to the big boy bed.  (Reba will be getting Dallas' crib, as the crib she is currently in is borrowed from a friend here in Williamsburg)  Also, not too long after Labor Day weekend, Dallas learned how to climb out of the crib.  He only did it once, but that was enough to convince me he is ready.

Until next time...


Jenni said...

That is great that he stayed in bed!!!! We plan on switching Eli into his big boy bed over Mike's Christmas break in case we have a difficult time switching him. I am thinking he won't be as good as Dallas about staying in his bed. :-)

connie said...

glad to see and hear that the mattress and box springs worked out okay. It looks great with that head board. Can't wait until Aunt Pat gets his quilt done. He will love it. He is such a big boy and I miss them both.

Missy!! said...

That is excellent!! I bet he is so excited!!