Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week 33

Warning: My hair and make-up lady were on vacation today.

How I am feeling: Pregnancy wise, I'm still doing good. My leg cramps in the middle of the night have not been happening near as much, and I'm only having to get up once to go to the bathroom. In general health, I'm not 100%. I have had a scratchy throat and cough for over a week now. At my OB appointment on Monday, Dr. Smollen did a strep test, but it came back negative. I have an appointment tomorrow with my family doctor to see if there is something else going on. I do not have a fever, nor do I have aches...just the cough and sore throat. It has not gotten worse, but it has not gotten better. Thankfully, neither Doug nor Dallas has picked it up!

As far as Gertie news, s/he is still very active - especially at night...s/he has been waking me up in the middle of the night with kicks and rolls and what not! Doug and I are still undecided on names. I guess when we hear the perfect one, we will just know!

I will be starting the "baby poll" in the near future. So, start thinking about weight, length, date, and gender!

Until next time...


connie said...

glad to hear you are going to the doctor for your throat. You don't need makeup or your hair done. You always look cute. I've made my notes for the baby pole.

Unknown said...

Curt and I had a hard time picking names too. We didn't want to tell me the sex of our baby until could tell the baby's name too. We were so excited that she is a girl that we had to quickly choose so we could start calling everyone! I just got my flu vaccine today along with Clayton. Good luck! I hope you feel better soon!