Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quick Update...

...before I head off to bed.

Monday, Doug and I made the trip back to Iowa after a wonderful weekend in Indiana. Dallas stayed in Indiana with Grandma and Grandpa Robertson! He spent Monday and Tuesday with them, and then the hand-off was made to Grandpa and Gram Bergman on Wednesday morning. Dallas will be staying with them for the remainder of the week, and he will then travel home on Friday when Doug's parents come for the weekend.

So...what have I been doing to keep my mind off of the fact that Dallas is not here?

Doug and I have been painting! Doug went ahead and took Tuesday and Wednesday off work so he could help me paint the kitchen. It took a little while to "empty" the kitchen and prep it for the actual painting. By the time Tuesday was over, we had painted two coats of primer.

Wednesday morning, I had a doctor's appointment for Gertie. Since, Doug was off work, he went along with. We heard Gertie's heartbeat, but I was too busy asking Dr. Smollen questions, that she didn't state what the heart rate was! Also, Dr. Smollen gave us the paperwork to set up another ultrasound. We weren't sure if we would have one half-way through this pregnancy since I had one at 8 weeks, but it looks like we will! So, look forward to more pictures of Gertie in another month.

Once we returned home, it was right to work painting. We finished one coat of paint, and then mowed the yard. After the yard work was finished, we put on a second coat of paint. I have some before and and after pictures, but I need to download them from the camera later. After we cleaned up our mess, we weeded in the veggie garden and picked some radishes! They are so yummy. I love the rewards of having our own garden.

So...that's what we have been up to.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Missy!! said...

Oh wow!! This is the first time you've left him isn't it?! I bet he is having so much fun with the gparents.. but I also guarantee that he misses his mommy and daddy!