It began last night after supper. Doug thought Dallas felt warm, so he took the little guy's temp...he was correct. It was about 101 degrees. We gave him some Tylenol, put just a t-shirt on him, and he went right to sleep. I figured it is the teething issue giving him the fever. Yes, he has molars coming in now!
This morning when Dallas woke up, he was as cool as a cucumber. He didn't eat much for breakfast. A little out of the ordinary, but maybe he just wasn't hungry yet. But he did drink his milk. He went down for his morning nap at 11, and woke up when Doug got home for lunch. Dallas once again felt warm, but not feverish. Again, he didn't eat much for lunch. Doug suggested taking his temp again. I did, and it was 98 degrees.
After Doug left to go back to work, I took the dogs outside and came back in to find that Dallas had thrown up! I couldn't believe it. The kid has only thrown up once. This made me more concerned, so I called the doctor. Luckily, they were able to get Dallas in at 2 o'clock. was already 1:30, and I was heading into town.
After visiting with the nurse, learning that Dallas is up to 25 pounds 9 oz and his temp was 98.3 degrees, the doctor final came in. She did all the normal checking...listening to his lungs, looking in his ears, looking down his throat, checking the lymphs. He checked out just fine. There was a small amount of fluids in his right ear, but no sign of infection. The doc agreed with me that it is all probably due to those darn molars!
I paid my co-pay and left with a $20 ease of mind, and a happy little boy.
Here's a picture of Dallas helping me clean up his mess...
Oh man! Sorry to hear that the little guy isn't feeling so hot :(
Poor Dallas! Hope he's feeling better!
Poor thing! At least it isn't swine flu! (I mean, come on.. we were all thinking it, someone needed to say it!)
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