Sunday, September 16, 2007


Doug and I went fishing Saturday night with some friends from work, Fred & Anna. We arrived at Red Rock, near Pella, IA, around 6 p.m. or so. We fished for a while, and then it began to rain on us. We were able to see the most beautiful rainbow from it though. It was a complete full rainbow, with the start of a double. I was able to get one good picture of it.

Doug fishing in the rain.

Finally, the rain passed, and we stayed at the lake until 9:30! Anna had the most success of any of us. I believe she ended up with two catfish, 2-3 carps, 1 crappie, and probably a few little ones too.

Rajean's big catch of the night.

Doug's big catch.

Doug and Fred holding one of the many catches Anna got in the night.

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