Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pedal Tractor Drag Races

Over the weekend, Dallas and Reba went with Pa, Gram and Aunt Josie to the Brookville Tractor Show.  On Saturday, they had kiddie tractor races.  Thankfully, Aunt Josie captured the excitement on video for Daddy and Momma (and all of you) to see!
It was a single-elimination style competition.  Dallas ended up racing 3 times...
Race 1
Race 2
Race 3 - for the championship!
We're seeing a new career path for Dallas' future!

Here's our Champion with his prize (a semi truck and trailer with a new tractor!) along with the Runner-up, Dalton.
Until next time...


Aunt Josie said...

That was so much glad he got to do that! He did awesome....good job buddy:)

Anonymous said...

Mark and I went to the show and seen the kids. They wouldn't talk to us.


Gram said...

Dallas sure had a good time in the pedal tractor race and so did we.