Friday, December 23, 2011

A New Bird Feeder

Dallas and his classmates made bird feeders during their Christmas party on Tuesday.  They are fairly simple: a pine cone covered in peanut butter and then rolled in bird seed.  Dallas was so excited about it when I picked him up from preschool on Tuesday and talked about the bird feeder the whole way  home.  That night at supper, I tried to get Dallas to tell Daddy about it, but he said he forgot what he had done at school.  Fast forward to Wednesday late morning - Dallas all of a sudden begins to tell Daddy about the project and how he "HAD to hang it on the Christmas tree" for the birds to eat!  Luckily, we were able to convince him to hang it on a tree outside :)

Ready to go out...
Wait, Reba had to drink her "hot chocolate milk" before going out!
Daddy had to lift Dallas in order to reach the lowest branch
Let's hope the birds like it!
Until next time...

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