Thursday, July 8, 2010

Reba Elizabeth's Baptism

On Sunday, July 4, 2010, Reba was baptized. We were very excited to share this joyous event with both Doug's family and my family. I, being the forgetful mom, didn't take my camera; therefore, the following are from my mom's camera.

Father Mescher blessing the water.
It is tradition for the Godmother to hold the child during the baptism.
(L-R) Godfather Mike Fredericks, Dallas, Doug, Rajean, Reba, Father Mescher, and Godmother Kathy Fredericks
The families
Until next time...


Missy!! said...

Your tall hubby cut out Josie!

Looks like it was a success... I guess all baptisms are! :)

Congratulations Reba! Welcome to the family of God!

Kristin said...

Congratulations Reba!