Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reba ~ 8 months old

My little girl is growing up - and I'm getting worse at taking pictures and documenting her first year...but here she is at 8 months old:Changed just a little

Here is a little of what Reba has been up to:
She is constantly on the move (exhibit A & B: trying to get her "month" picture)
She is beginning to pull herself up
She has this new crazy move while playing on the floor - sticking her rear end up in the air
She can sit herself up
She has started to click her tongue and smack her lips
She smiles and giggles A LOT
She has tried more new foods: bananas, apple sauce, carrots, green beans, and peaches
She babbles non-stop
She is working on more teeth

That's all I can think of right I'm off to bed - just like this angel
Until next time...


Stacia said...

looks like she has gotten a lot more hair!

Jenni said...

She is so adorable!!! It is amazing how fast they grow!

Missy!! said...

AWW!! She is growing up so fast!! So.. are you ready for TWO mobile babies?? :) I hope you are still enjoying your one-on-one time with your princess!

Anonymous said...

We got to see Dallas today. He looks like toddler now, tall and thin.
