Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reba ~ 7 months old

I know I keep saying it...but I just can't believe how fast time is going and how "old" this little girl is getting to be.

Reba is babbling all the time, and she is getting really good at repeating her "mu-mu-mu" sounds. I just know she is saying "Momma" *wink*

I will probably jinx myself by saying this, but Reba has been sleeping 12 hours very consistently. She has also been going to be earlier than normal (10 p.m. or even before!) This is very helpful to Momma.

Some things Reba is doing new this month...
  • eating cereals
  • trying applesauce
  • grabbing for anything and everything
  • putting anything and everything in her mouth
  • cutting teeth (she now has her front lower two teeth)
  • drooling constantly
  • refusing to take a bottle :(
  • moving up to size 3 diapers
  • pulling her brother's hair
  • laughing a lot
  • blowing raspberries a lot
  • making new friends
  • and the list goes on...
Here are a few more pictures I have been meaning to post...

Reba loves to play with the tractors after Dallas has gone to bedShe also loves to curl up with a good book (and her thumb)and finally, Reba and her BFF, Madeline Walker
Madeline's mommy and daddy met at our wedding and were married a year later. They welcomed Madeline to their family in the middle of April. We were able to visit and meet Madeline while in Indiana a couple weekends back.

Until next time...

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