Thursday, May 20, 2010

Visitors it is Thursday, and I'm finally posting about last weekend! The weather this week has been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. There has been lots of sunshine and little wind; therefore, we have been spending lots of time enjoying it!

Last weekend, Grandpa, Gram and Aunt Josie came for a visit!
We didn't do anything too special beside enjoy each other's company. Doug did borrow the neighbor's skid loader to finish smoothing out the new gravel in the driveway on Saturday.
We also mowed the yard Saturday afternoon...a job that hadn't been done in almost 2 weeks because of rain. (Thanks to Grandpa and Dallas for picking up the grass cuttings)
Dallas played with his chickens
Sunday started with church. After church, Doug and I went to a pancake breakfast honoring the seniors and first communicants (we were invited because I taught the high school class this year). Grandpa, Gram and Aunt Josie took the kiddos back to the house for us. We then spent the rest of the day playing games and taking tractor rides.

So that was our weekend in a nutshell...Thanks again for coming to visit!
Until next time...

1 comment:

Carla said...

It's great that you guys are able to visit each other so frequently being several hrs. apart!