Saturday, May 22, 2010

UN-invited Guest

This afternoon, Doug, the kiddos and I went to Coralville to make a special purchase (I'll keep you in suspense on that until another post). When we got home, Doug was carrying Dallas and opened the back door to find this:
Doug nearly dropped Dallas and nearly pooped his pants! If it would have been me...there wouldn't be any "nearly" about the latter...I would just plain have.
It was about 3 feet in length.
I'm still getting the chills writing this...ughhh.

Until next time...


Jennifer E. said...

OMG! What kind of snake was it? Looks poisonous. How scary. Thank God Doug was carrying Dallas and Dallas wasn´t walking ahead by himself.

Jenni said...

I would have freaked out!!!!!!

How funny you guys came to Coralville today and we went to the Outlet mall in your neck of the woods today! :-)

Erin P said...

Better you guys than me! Ugh is right! I hate snakes.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, is that a "good" snake or a "bad" snake? I hope it ws a good one! Love, GG

Missy!! said...

EWWWW!! You know.. I would have peed my pants.. SNAKES ARE GROSS!!!!

Stacia said...

oh my goodness! so nice of it to stop by for a visit! eww!