Monday, May 10, 2010

Pella Tulip Time 2010

We once again met up with Aunt Katie to head to Pella for the Tulip Time Festival. Unfortunately, it was very cold the day we went :( We woke up to temps around freezing! But, on a happier note...Dallas and Reba woke up to having Pap-paw and Mam-maw, Aunt Lisa and GG here to visit for the weekend!

I wanted to get Dallas' picture standing in the giant wooden shoes like previous years, but he did not want to do it. This was the best I got.
Reba, on the other hand, sat for the picture (I'm loving the new bow from Mam-maw)
Pap-paw and Mam-maw
There were not too many tulip beds left in bloom, but here are a couple that still looked nice
The big coo-coo clock
My favorite Dutch treat! Poffertjes with strawberries and whipped cream
Plain poffertjes
Dallas liked the whipped cream the best
Aunt Katie and Dallas waiting on the parade to begin
Curb-side seating for the parade
Why wear one hat, when you can wear two?
Apparently, Dallas thought the grass was a souvenir.
The Tulip Queen
Check out the wooden shoe wheels
Mam-maw and Reba (remember - it was cold!)
This year was the 75th Anniversary of Tulip Time. They set the world record for the number of people dancing at the same time in wooden shoes...this was the World Record Committee Float - "Wooden Shoe Rather be Dancing?"
Wyatt Earp and his brothers made an appearance in the parade
The ride home from Pella was rather quite:
Until next time...

1 comment:

Jenni said...

What an adorable festival! I can't believe how cold it got, but it looks like everyone still had a great time! How wonderful that Katie lives in Iowa too!