Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where to Start?

In my post last night, I said that I would be better about adding pictures of what we have been up to. Now, the question is, what do I post first?

I'll start with some of Dallas' "Spring Break" pictures. If you remember, Dallas left on Monday, March 22, with Gram and Grandpa Bergman and Aunt Josie. Gram was kind enough to share a few pictures of Dallas' stay with them.

They stopped for lunch at Steak n' Shake...Dallas thought the hat was pretty cool!
The poor kid couldn't even get a bed to sleep in...
...just kidding. He likes to cuddle in his blanket with his two best friends - Teddy and Arf-arf.
Luckily, they had some decent weather, and Dallas was able to do some yard work
Grandpa and Gram said they had tractors everywhere - you be the judge.
Kitchen table...
A boy just has to farm every available space!
Thanks again for allowing Dallas to spend a few nights at your house. I know he had a wonderful time, and he is probably looking forward to his next vacation away from Momma, Daddy, and Reba.
Until next time...


Erin P said... it! What a lucky boy to have tractors no matter where he goes! ;)

Gram Bergman said...

I was so happy to see the comment about his next vacation in Indiana. I can hardly wait. We had so much fun. Thanks again Momma and daddy!