Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Third Times a Charm!

Today was the third time for us going to story time at the library, and I'm proud to say that Dallas did GREAT! This week's theme was Lions. Lucky for us, Dallas just started to ROAR in the last week.

When we arrived, the kids got to make their own lion faces. I put the glue on and let Dallas stick on the eyes and nose. Then, I took a marker and drew the mouth. When it was time to start the stories, Dallas walked with Reba and I to the sitting area (with a book he had found when we first arrived), sat down and listened to the entire story...and it was a long one, too. He enjoyed the "wiggle" activity; roaring like a lion. But when it came time for the second story, he just had to keep moving. We made it back to the craft table where Dallas added more glue for more eyes and noses...
Dallas' lion ended up with 6 or 7 eyes and 3 noses...oh well, he enjoyed it. Dallas even checked a book out from the library. He was such a big boy handing it to the lady at the desk so she could scan it. (I wish I would have had my camera out for that.) He then proudly carried it out to the truck and flipped through the pages all the way home.

When we got home, I let Dallas play outside while I fixed lunch. He just wandered around the yard, stomped in the mud, found a stick and dug in the snow, and walked through drifts. The weather is awesome today! It is around 36 degrees. The sun has been out for the last few days, and we are finally able to notice some of the snow melting. We are suppose to get to 40 degrees this weekend, but it is also suppose to rain. That's really going to make a mess of things.

Until next time...

1 comment:

connie said...

So glad Dallas is enjoying going to the library. What a fun day he had and playing in all that snow that you still have.