Friday, July 24, 2009

Rural Water on Its Way!

The other day, Dallas and I watched from the porch as the water company worked on laying the pipes for the rural water* that is soon to make its way to our home.
Of course, Dallas loved watching the tractors and other equipment at work. I think it was the longest he has sat still in a good 6 months!

This picture is actually a few days old. This was when they actually brought the pipe.
The trencher (behind the truck) digging
(sorry, I was not at the top of my picture-taking that day)
The excavator followed the trencher covering the newly laid pipe from one side.
And, finally, came this guy to push the dirt from the other side of the trench.
I was quite surprised at how quickly they worked! If all continues to go well, the water company should dig the meter pit in our yard in the next couple weeks, and then water should be flowing to the house in October.
One last picture of Dallas enjoying the show...
Until next time...
*What is Rural Water?
~Out here in our neck of the country, wells are not a good source of water. One must dig some 600 ft before hitting water. It is very, very rusty water even with the constant use of softener salt. The water also contains high levels of nitrate (which isn't good for infants and small children). At our other house, we had rural water and loved it. We are excited about getting water at this house. With the new water, we will no longer need to use our water softener because the water will already be softened! In addition, we won't need to buy bottle water for drinking! We will be keeping our well for use outside (i.e. water the garden, water the flowers, wash vehicles, etc.)

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