Thursday, June 25, 2009

Week 19!!!

Holy more week and I will be half way through this pregnancy!!! Craziness.

Here I am in all my glory at 19 weeks. Please excuse my not so cleanliness...I just finished mowing the yard...and it is HOT out there. (Yes, I was wearing my SPF 50 sunscreen).

Here is the progression picture...going all the way back to week 13.
I'm feeling pretty good for the most part...just still getting tired very easily. It is also becoming more difficult to sleep at night. I am usually a tummy sleeper, and well, I just can't do that anymore. Gertie is moving more and more each day. I'm sure it won't be too much longer and others will be able to feel the little one move.

Dallas is quite curious about my belly. He will lift up my shirt and just pat my stomach. I'll tell him to say hi to the baby, and he just looks at me with a look of complete confusion on his face. It is pretty funny. Dallas is also into giving kisses (when you ask...most of the time), but he has yet to give Gertie a kiss. He thinks about it, and then just laughs and runs away.

Speaking of running away, I better go catch my little man!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Erin P said...

Aww! So precious! :) He'll figure it all out soon enough! ha