Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Review

I hope everyone had a great weekend. At our home, the weekend involved much basketball watching! Of course, there isn't much else to do when you get 6 inches of snow! Yes, that's started snowing on Saturday around noon, and did not stop until sometime after midnight. is there was a lot of wind to go along with the snow. Therefore, there were some big drifts happening. Doug and I couldn't believe how much the snow accumulated, and how big some of the drifts were.

Saturday evening, our friends Gema and Agustine were in town, so we met them at another friend's house for dinner. It was late when we got home, so we decided to sleep in and go to Williamsburg for church (the mass there begins at 10 compared to the 8:30 mass in Belle Plaine). Anywho...we didn't make it to church because Doug got the truck stuck in a drift! Yep, he miss-judged how big the drift was, got half-way through, snow came up over the cab, and we were stuck. Luckily, we were very close to our neighbors' house (yes, we were only a half-mile from our own house) and he pulled us out.

The rest of Sunday was spent inside doing random projects and watching some March Madness. Sadly, Doug and I are finished with our bracket picks. I had Louisville winning the tournament, and Doug had Missouri winning.

I don't have many pictures to post, and unfortunately, the weather/internet is not allow me to upload pictures today. Maybe later...

Until next time...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I cannot believe you got six inches of snow!!! When will the madness end???