I took the kiddos out for lunch on Reba's birthday. She chose McDonald's!
That night when Daddy got home, Reba got to open a present (Tinker Bell PJ's and a Princess look and find book)
Momma made a big ole chocolate chip cookie for dessert
add a little ice cream and it was pure delight!
Here's Reba modeling her jammies
On Sunday, we had a party to celebrate Reba turning 2...she sat with Aunt Josie for a little bit of time while opening gifts
The birthday girl loved her balloons
This little girl is well loved by her grandparents and aunts...just look at all those presents!
Here's a combination of some of Reba's favorite presents...new shoes, baby stroller, and earrings
Time for cake!
Happy Birthday to you!
Daddy took Reba this morning for her 2 year check-up.
Height: 2 foot 8 inches (5th percentile)
Weight: 24.4 lbs (39th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.9 inches (72nd percentile)
Dr. Alex had Reba go to the lab for blood work to check her iron levels. My little girl was super brave and strong. She only let out a small whimper when the nurse stuck the needle in her arm; then she was just fine. The nurse even commented that Reba did better than most adults!
Dr. Alex also wants Reba to come back in three months to check her height once again. She went from the 32nd percentile at 18 months to the 5th now.
Dr. Alex had a list of basic skills that a 2 year old should be able to to do. He likes to see the child be able to do about 75% of the skills - Reba could do 100%!
Skills included:
Say 5 or more words
Name 2 or more body parts
Eat table food
Use a fork/spoon
Walk backwards
Dr. Alex then asked questions from an advanced development skills test. He said that he would like for her to be able to do 25-50% - Reba was able to do over 50%!
Those skills included:
Say 50 or more words
Name more than 7 body parts
Recognize people
People to understand her words more than 50% of the time
Dress herself
Reba now has her front 8 teeth, her 4 first molars, and 3 out of her 4 canine teeth. (The 4th is trying to break through)
Reba loves to play with her baby dolls, as well as tractors and trucks!
She can climb up and down stairs all by herself.
Reba loves to read books.
She loves to watch movies - especially Elmo's World and Ice Age
Reba loves to pretend to be on the phone, but not so much to be on the real phone with family.
She wants to do everything herself - "Me do myself" she always says
Reba loves her Dora the Explorer and Tinker Bell jammies.
She wants to do whatever big brother is doing.
Reba sleeps about 12 hours at night any roughly 2 1/2 to 3 hours in the afternoon.
I'm sure I'll think of more things to add later.
Until next time...