Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oh Reba...

I think Reba's favorite thing to do is to get in my closet and try on my shoes.
I think she might have found a new favorite pair (my newest pair at that)
Then, there was Tuesday morning when I was packing.  I was trying on different outfits, and Reba thought she needed to try on outfits, too.
Can you believe in 2 months we will be celebrating her 2nd Birthday?!?!  I wonder what she will wear...

Until next time...


  1. I vote the tie... tights.. and your shoes for her birthday! :)

  2. I vote for the tights and the tie!

  3. Dress up is just to much fun! P.S. Love the new fall look!

  4. Dress up is just to much fun! P.S. Love the new fall look!
