Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pig Tails and Prayers

Reba sported her first set of pig tails today!  They lasted all morning and then she went down for naptime.  We will have to try again another day.

As far as prayers...I haven't mentioned much about the house selling process because there has not been much to mention.  The housing market (as most of you know) is slow, and it is especially slow in Williamsburg, Iowa.  Early last week when I talked with our realtor, she had not shown a house ...any house... in over 2 weeks! 


Doug and I have been saying our prayers for patience through all of this, and of course, praying that St. Joseph will help us.  Then...yesterday, we got a call from the realtor.  Our house was shown twice over the weekend!  Whoo-hoo!  It was the first time since Christmas that it had been shown. 

So...if you all could add a few extra prayers for: The housing market to pick up (especially in W'burg); that, if it is according to God's plan right now, that He send us a good buyer, one who is eager, compliant, and honest; and that nothing impede for a rapid conclusion of the sale, we would be greatly appreciative.

Until next time...


  1. And, I will continue to keep an eye on the house you want and let you know if anything appears to change...the pig tails are super cute too!

  2. How cute! She is getting so big!

  3. She looks so big in that picture!!

    I was JUST thinking how the house thing was going for you guys! I'll for sure say a prayer!

  4. Pig Tails are super cute! Good luck with the house..

  5. Miss Reba's pig tails are too cute! I remember the excitement we had when Bailey had her 1st pig tails.

    I know how stressful your situation can be, we'll be praying! As always we enjoy your updates.
