Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Reba asked a few weeks ago (maybe a month ago) if I would curl her hair again once it got long enough.  I explained to her that it was already long enough, we just had to find the time to do it!  I curled it over Labor Day weekend, and quickly realized I needed more of the larger rollers.  I finally remembered to pick up another pack this past week while in town, so that meant it was time to try it again!

Her buddy, Calvin, complimented how nice her hair looked as soon as he got in the van this morning, and the principal also raved about it in the drop off line.  When she got home this afternoon, she said quite a few of her friends and other teachers also said they liked her curls.  Now, we'll have to find another night that I get her through the bath early enough that there is time to roll all that hair before bedtime!

Until next time...


  1. Did you use the soft pink spongy ones? When I was little, I remember using those for special occasions. Be careful though momma.. you'll start an epidemic! ;)

  2. I haven't been on the blogs in ages but just stopped in for a bit. Her hair looks really good!!!
