Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

I hope all the dads had a fabulous day!  Isn't it funny how on Mother's Day, dad takes the kids out so mom can have quiet time; but on Father's Day, the kids hang on dad?

We had our first sheep show of the summer today.  It was the start of the Rush County Fair, and the kiddos were pretty excited to show their lambs.  They were a great help getting them ready for the ring.

A girls got to look her best!
Dallas even walked his ram lamb and ewe lamb in and around the ring without using a halter!
My mom offered to take a family picture of us, and you all know how difficult it can be to get everyone to look at the phone put together the multiple shots into a video clip!  It's kind of funny watching how much everyone moves in the matter of seconds...
Here is the best one...
Here are a few more pics from our time in the ring (Thanks Ma-maw for being the photographer!)...

Reba's ewe lamb, Doc, won Champion of the Dorset breed, so she got to go back for the Supreme drive.  Little Miss was a tad bit excited.  She kept asking if she would win a trophy...
If only they gave the award based on the "best smile"
Julianne tried to help when it was time to load up and leave
Saying bye-bye to Pa-paw and Ma-maw before going to spend time at Pa and Gram's...

After the show, Doug and I headed back to Pa-paw and Ma-maw's to finish loading our things on the truck.  We were able to outrun the rain and storms until we were about an hour away from home.  Luckily, it was a thin line, and we were able to drive through it.
Until next time...

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