Friday, February 21, 2014

Julianne - 2 months

Way back on February 6th, our baby girl turned 2 months old!  I took her to the doctor for her check-up and first round of immunizations.  But first, look at how much she has changed in just a short month's time...

Our baby girl is now weighing in at 13 lbs 8.5 oz (70th percentile) and has grown 2.75 inches since birth.  That makes her "standing" tall at 23.75 inches (85th percentile).  Her brain is developing quite well too, as it has reached a circumference of 15.75 inches (84th percentile)!

Here is a list of what I can remember Julianne doing at the 2 month mark:
Sat in the Bumbo chair for the first time

Lots of smiles!
Wiggles constantly
Julianne is still swaddled at night because she wiggles so much that she hits herself and wakes up!
Sleeps from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. consistently
Starting to drool
Beginning to coo
Gave up the bedtime bottle because the bowel movements became more regular
Rolled from belly to back on two different days (2 times each day)

Still wearing size 1 diapers
Still wearing 0-3 month clothes

And, as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, Julianne got her first big round of immunizations.  She had one oral vaccine and 3 injections.  It seemed that she spit out about half of the oral vaccine, and she SCREAMED when she got the shots.  If you have been around her much, you know that she doesn't really cry much; therefore, I think that was the most noise I have heard come her little self!  By the time I got her dressed and walked to the check out station, Julianne was all smiles again.
She was then asleep before I pulled out of the parking lot, and she slept a good part of the day.  After she finished eating at 4 yesterday afternoon, she was quite grumpy, so I gave her a little Tylenol.  That helped a lot, and it gave Momma some extra cuddle time.
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! She is such a great sleeper!!! I'm very impressed :)
