Thursday, January 24, 2013

Budding Artist - The Answer

First off, I want to apologize for taking so long to reveal the answer to Dallas' artwork.  I meant to record him giving the answer last Friday, but my camera battery was dead.  He (and Reba) spent the weekend with Gram and Pa, and then I was sick on Monday and Tuesday - following Daddy having been sick, as well as Reba.  Anywho...we are all on the mend, and thankfully, Dallas side-stepped the stomach bug.

Secondly, I want to say thank you to everyone who submitted a guess.  We had a lot of fun reading them.

So...Remember Dallas drawing?
Here's Big D to tell you a little more about it...
Congratulations to Pa for guessing correctly!

Until next time...guess what Reba has drawn for you all!


  1. I think her drawing is of Ice Fishing!!

  2. gone fishing off her boat.

  3. I agree that Reba drew a fish!

    I am also impressed with the interview with Dallas!

    I see his Gleaner Combine and think he did a great job.

    Looking forward to hearing from Reba.


  4. GG thinks Reba caught a fish!

  5. That is definitely a picture of the chickens and eggs!

  6. I will have to try again to watch Dallas' video. No sound?

  7. The volume worked the second time! Hope he gets a Gleaner Combine for his birthday!
