Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Even though winter does not officially begin until December 21st, it has definitely arrived here! The temps have been hovering around freezing during the day and then dipping close to zero at night. Over the weekend, we bought Dallas another hat (we are having trouble keeping them on) and mittens. Here's the little guy bundled up to go to town.
I finally did it...I put up the Christmas tree. I was trying to decide if I wanted to set it up or not. I didn't want to be constantly pulling Dallas out of it. I then decided to set it up in the back of my living room where Dallas does not play. Of course, I had to set him in front of the tree to get a picture, and he would not look at me.
When Doug got home, he helped get a good picture.
Here is the finished tree!
We also finished the outside lights...take a look:
After a couple years, I am finally able to have my snow globe! If you remember, last year, I was not able to do lights because we were getting our house re-roofed, and Doug was out of the country with work.
As far as winter weather, we received a lot of ice through the night. The vehicles were covered this morning. The freezing rain is still falling, and they say it will turn to snow later today. Many schools in the area closed for today...let the long winter settle in. Oh, and we are to get our next winter storm beginning Sunday.
Until next time...


  1. OH! The tree is beautiful!! Great job!

    I'm constantly amazed at how big Dallas is getting - time flies, doesn't it?!?


  2. Your Christmas decorations are looking good. It looks like Dallas is trying to figure out what the heck is in the middle of the room :) P.S. love the "bundled up look" Dallas is sporting.

  3. We've got one of those snow globe things too! I love it! Totally worth the money...

  4. Aww.. look at your cute little man! At least he looks happy in his hat and mittens! And.. he needs to get use to that hat.. doesn't he know that hats are "cool"? :)

    As far as the Christmas tree goes.. it looks great! I love how Dallas is mesmerized by it! Too cute indeed!

  5. Ummm... PS.. as far as that freezing rain goes.. you can keep it! :)

  6. I can't believe how big my little grandson looks! He looks more like 2 years old instead of 9 months. Looking forward to see how his Dr.s appt goes. All the Christmas lights look great. Very festive, and the weather to go with it. Heard on the news Tues. eve., that New Hampton,Ia, got a bunch of snow. But I guess that is further north of you. Stay warm. Connie
